We strongly recommend you add this page to your favourites and come back often while you implement TransparentChoice.
Project prioritization is one of the most important processes for any PMO to get right. It has a massive impact on the quality and quantity of delivered projects. When you have strong strategic alignment, your projects are far more likely to be delivered successfully... and of course, they are the "right" projects so they add more value to the business.
This page will help you get started with TransparentChoice's project prioritization software.
Our tutorials are aimed at different levels. The very top level is a video about the context - "Why prioritize projects"? Next, we have a video for each of the four main processes you need to go through to prioritize projects and to select a great portfolio. You can quickly navigate to each of these videos using the following menu (repeated throughout the page).
Context | Define Goals | Measure Alignment | Calculate Score | Select Portfolio
Finally, after each of those videos, we have a list of links to specific "how-to" tutorials that will walk you through the click-by-click tasks.
Context | Define Goals | Measure Alignment | Calculate Score | Select Portfolio
If you haven't already done so, we strongly recommend you bookmark this page and come back often as you implement TransparentChoice.
Context - Why prioritize projects? Process overview.
Context | Define Goals | Measure Alignment | Calculate Score | Select Portfolio
Getting started with defining and weighting strategic goals.
How-to tutorials:
How to identify the right criteria
Set up criteria in TransparentChoice
Define a survey to weight criteria
Run a survey to weight criteria
Context | Define Goals | Measure Alignment | Calculate Score | Select Portfolio
Getting Started with measuring strategic alignment.
Planning - What data do you need to collect?
How to set up and work with attributes
How to define which criteria are measured using attributes vs. surveys
How to set up your Kanban-based project evaluation process
How to set up your web-based project request form
How to import projects from a spreadsheet
Working with the project summary page including:
- How to set up dependencies between projects
- How to see an audit trail for a project request
- How to add notes or documents to a projects
- How to send e-mail with embedded forms
Context | Define Goals | Measure Alignment | Calculate Score | Select Portfolio
Getting Started with calculating strategic scores
How to view strategic alignment scores
How to save project alignment scores to use in further analysis
What can I use strategic alignment scores for?
Context | Define Goals | Measure Alignment | Calculate Score | Select Portfolio
Getting Started with selecting your project portfolio
How to set up my portfolio balancing dashboard, including:
- What are metrics, column charts and scatter plots?
- Adding, re-ordering or deleting components on your dashboard
Context | Define Goals | Measure Alignment | Calculate Score | Select Portfolio