TransparentChoice’s micro apps are designed to manage and prioritize all your decision making projects at one place.
By the end of this tutorial you'll be able to:
- Add a new decision-making micro-app to the dashboard.
- Edit micro-app information.
- Copy or Delete a micro-app from the dashboard.
- Share the decision-making micro-app as a template.
Steps to add a new decision-making app to the dashboard:
1. Click on New decision project button on the dashboard.
2. Select the required decision-making micro-app, in this instance it is Project Prioritization micro-app.
Note: All the apps listed in the dialog box are FREE.
3. Enter the details of your project and click Create.
All the decision-making micro-apps you create are displayed in the dashboard.
Tip: Johanna shares some insight into the things that go wrong in portfolio management and how to organize yourself and your work to make things go right.