The project Kanban lets you manage the status of your projects as they move through the project approval process. This functionality is evolving, so check back frequently for the latest update.
To access the Kanban, click on "Manage" under "Manage alternatives" on the dashboard.
You can quickly see how many projects you have at each stage of the evaluation and approval process. There are currently 5 stages available and you can simply drag a project from one stage to the next. The 5 stages are;
1) New: This is where new project requests go when they are requested online through the TransparentChoice ideation tools. They are ready for a quick validation review.
2) In review: These projects are being reviewed by someone to determine if they are viable candidate projects.
3) Accepted: These projects have been approved for inclusion in the project evaluation and prioritization process.
4) Referred: These projects have been referred back to the project requestor due to incomplete or inaccurate information.
5) Rejected: These projects have been rejected.
You can move a project from one stage to the next simply by clicking on the grey area of the project tile and dragging it to the desired stage.
You can also change the status of a project by clicking on the gear-wheel and then selecting the stage you want the project to be at.
You can also sort projects by name or by create-date.
And of course, you can still create alternatives, import alternatives or manage attributes from this screen.