You can invite people to your surveys and meetings by sending them a unique web-link (also known as a URL). In this tutorial, we will show you how to add people to your survey and how to send them an invitation.


1. Navigate to the survey you're interested in

2. Click on the number of respondents

3. Choose the people you'd like to add to the survey and click to add their vote strength. TransparentChoice allows you to assign a different vote strength to different voters. If everyone should have equal vote strength, simply give everyone the same vote strength (e.g. 5). You can also give people vote strength of zero - this allows you to collect people's opinions but does not use their votes to calculate average scores (great for subject matter experts who are not decision-makers).

4. If your survey participants have not already been added as "users", simply click "Manage users" and add them. If you enter their e-mail address, TransparentChoice will be able to send invitations to them directly. Please make sure this is allowed under your data protection policy.

5. Hit close when you are finished adding users to your survey.


1. When you are ready to start the survey or the meeting, make sure you start the survey by clicking on the "Paused" button

2. Click on "Send access links" to e-mail invitations to your users.

3. If you did not enter an e-mail address for any of your users, TransparentChoice will not be able to mail them an invitation. In this case, you can manually send links to your team following steps 3 - 5 of this section. Start by clicking on the "number of respondents" link:

4. Next, click on the  Click on "Download" to download an Excel spreadsheet with all the links in it. 

5. Send the links to your meeting participants. It's a good idea to send them an e-mail that contains both the link and the background to the decision you're making. That way your participants will have the context for the judgements you're asking them to make.

6. When your respondents click on the link, they will be taken directly to the survey welcome page. All they need to do to enter the survey is click on the big green button!