Surveys are the mechanism that allows you to get your team-members to give input into a decision. There are two types of survey, ones that are for prioritizing your criteria and ones that are for scoring your alternatives. Surveys are automatically generated by TransparentChoice based on the criteria you created and on the alternatives in your system.

FOR AHP PRO:  First, navigate to your your Alternatives Survey screen. 

FOR PROJECT PRIORITIZATION: First navigate to the Project Evaluation / Survey screen:

To create a new survey, simply hit the "Create new survey" button.

This will open up a window where you can name your survey and give it a description. Then hit "Create"

Once you have hit "Create", you will be taken to the Respondents screen. This will let you define who should be included in your survey and will let you set the weight for each person. But first, you need to add people to your project. There is a separate tutorial for this - click here.

Once you have added all the users you need, you can choose which ones to add to your survey. To add just one person to your survey, simply click on the "weight" for the user you want to include in your survey, then select the voting weight you want them to have.

To add several users at once to the survey, simply select their check-boxes and they will appear at the top of the screen. You can then set the voting weight for these people from the drop-down. This is also a good way to make bulk-changes to voting weights.

Close the window to return to your survey where you will now see how many respondents you have.

In some cases, you may want to limit the survey to a sub-set of questions. You might only want to ask for input for one criterion, for example. Or you might want to send a vendor questions, but only want them to answer those questions for their own solution. Or, you might want to only include items in a certain "status bucket" in the Kanban. Here's how you do that.